Monday, July 21, 2014

Shinglines Beybeh!

It originally started with the page high-lighted lines. When I was on my heartbreak mode last February 2013. My plan was to post lines from songs and give credit to the original artists behind it. It would be a good time to know more of song titles too. It was named highlighted lines because in every song, whether we love the song or not, there will always be a line that will trigger our nerves. If we just take time to read the lyrics to Eminem or Slapshock songs, you’d be shocked to know that there will be a line or two that’ll make sense to you.

Aside from original lines, I also thought of maybe I can alter some lines to fit a certain situation or emotion. Like changing the words “she” to “he” and etc. But, It all remained as a plan. I was too busy moping and reflecting upon the songs I’m hearing that I became too lazy to kickstart my plan. And so the page remained as created with no posts except for the ‘about section’ and the ‘page profile pic’.

Days dragged by, and pimples started to pop on my face. I was having sleepless night and sometimes the no-sleep nights. The lack of sleep was due to constant facebooking and the things I found out kept me thinking all night.  So , I disabled certain people’s posts from showing on my newsfeed . I continued on my facebooking, refreshing every hour for new posts. In addition to facebook, I also chill out in youtube with Realitychangers, Ana Akana and many other vloggers. My days we’re just like that. I go to work and go home, my in betweens are composed of washing clothes,eating (which takes a small portion of the time pie) and of online surfing  and moping(which took much of my time).

I continued with my soundtrips and reflections on song lines,vlogs and picture quotes. When Oh’s birthday was fast approaching, my frustration ballooned again and I cannot flood my Facebook profile with picture quotes and OA lines lest people will laugh at me. So I decided to use the Facebook page as an outlet for creative creations. Since I was more determined that time, I tried to strategize (char!) on how can I get the people to like the posts. I realized that high-lighted lines is too lengthy to type on the search bar and too hard to remember. I didn’t know how to change the page name, so I just created another page and named it Shinglines. .I named it shinglines because I will still stick to song lyrics. Shinglines because Shing! (you read it fast and with stardust)…Shing is like kaching! Like POOf! Or it can pass as 100th cousin to the expression eureka! Shinglines because the page is to bring you lines from songs that made me stopped, think and say hey! OMJ just the right kill for my current emotion.

So you do realize, how hard it is for me to explain “why shinglines?’ in words. I’d rather answer it with hand flips and eye animations because it’ll be easier that way. (ahaha).

As time went by…I’ve been reflecting so much on words and I also thought that “ why shinglines?’ can also be answered by : It is shinglines, because people who are lovedrunk are greatly affected by songs. When you’re lovedrunk (either tipsy or wasted), the songs you hear were like exclusively written for you. They sing out loud, talk sluggishly and walk in straight zigzag lines. That is why the page was named shinglines. (hmmmm)

Days later, I realized that what I was doing was tiresome.  I jot down line from songs I heard, googled the title and artist, and proceed to picture editing. This is part of my strategizing, I opted for lyrics on picture form than plain typed text. I realized that if I were a page liker, my attention will be caught more by pictures rather than just text.

These are some of the pioneering creations (so newbie)

 I gave up on picture editing… Editing apps need fast internet connection and I don’t have much patience to wait for the picture to load, to choose among the many font types and layers as well as resizing the image size. So I gave up on the song lyrics and the page became a sort-of storage for the pictures quotes I saved years ago. Must I tell you that I have a huge collection of picture quotes that they are eating lots of storage spaces(?). And what then, If I’m just keeping these great finds to myself, what then? So that’s how shinglines came up to be a collection of inspirations,frustrations and in betweens with it’s long description worded as :collection of about anything that stumbled upon my way...and sharing these treasures to the page likers. Life is too short to find things out by ourselves...let us live from other people's lessons . (not  enough to call it long).

Shinglines was created February 28,2013.I posted regularly but didn’t launch the page until few months after. I was still having that fear of what people will say.  I invited Facebook Friends to like the page and told them to invite their friends too. I might’ve become annoying on their notifications asking them to like the page. But I went on with the invites sometimes even pleading (nyahehehe).

As usual, some said “wow” and of course there will always be that someone to say “you’re weird” , “maintaining a page?” “what for” “why so?”.

It may seem weird, but you see?!,weird is the new awesome! (hekhek).

What for? And Why so? ……Shinglines became my outlet and it pushed me to become more positive in life. Because no one would want to click the thumbs up for a page that is reeking with negativity. 
The page stats are poor. The likes, the shares and visits are poor but I do hope that someone is getting something from the page posts.

I’d love it if you visit the page and click like. ;D

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