Monday, April 13, 2015

Keychain for the Woman?

Our Executive Director gave this souvenir from his latest trip. 

A keychain from Vigan City.

I'd like/love to go there....soon maybe.

Vigan is known for its ancestral houses but there is so much to explore in Ilocos from Food to Sand dunes to Windmills and many things in between.

I have to admit I am yet to sort what the design means. teehee! What I'm sure of is that sign etched is the gender symbol for female (Venus sign).

See you Vigan (soon!) 
-----super crossed fingers!

Brand New Day

Starting the day early by waking up an hour earlier than other people is an edge. I got the time to enjoy a lazy morning routine and finished the day's listed tasks before 10 in the morning. Plus, there's lesser traffic and walking is still enjoyable with the sun shining (but not scorching) and lesser dust and pollution from passing vehicles.

I got the time to look at bulletin boards and just take everything in.
Isn't it amazing? I Should do this more often.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

On a Fine Sunday

One very fine Sunday!
A day with no worries.
No specific activities
Just a plan to seize and make use of the day.
Just taking in the moment.
No brisk walking.
No thoughts flying .
No day dreaming.
Just being present in the "Here" & "Now"
Looking down at my feet, there is a mix of litter,dried leaves and fallen flowers scattered everywhere.
It looked like a mess until I refocused my sight.
I saw beauty in it. 
A purpose and a meaning.
Looking up, I saw a more beautiful view.
A view of hope and endless possibilities.
Each day is beautiful, only if we see and think it that way.
We don't have to blame people,events or things for ruining our day.
We should be reprimanding ourselves for overlooking the good things, the help and blessings.
Life offers something beautiful each day,
We just have to look around.
Look closer or look beyond,
Either way, there's something for us to see and marvel at.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Fast & Furious 7 (closer you and I)

I am not a movie critic nor this is a movie review. I am just an ordinary movie goer who judges movies not by its cinematography etc. but by how the movie made me feel and on what the movie is trying to show and tell (or the lack of it).

All-in, the movie is worth a lot of thumbs up. You can see that my face has more to tell about the movie.hehe

I watched Fast & Furious 7 in 3D and no other words but "ooohhhh". I doubt if "Ooohhhh"'s even a word. Since I am wearing eyeglasses, I have to wear the 3D glasses on top of my spectacles (well, what do you expect? I'm like Harry Potter who needs to wear eyeglasses if we want to see what's in front of us. Harry Potter even wore his eyeglasses underwater. 
click this link to see-----> Seeker of Keeper)

So so so, with 3D glasses on I can say how beautiful flying cars are. Even the glass chunks from broken tempered glasses looked like sparkly diamonds and sometimes looked like stardust (stardust? Yes! my failing eyes saw stardusts. Excuse my eyesight).

I still have my movie hangover. (If you know what that means). Since the day is already special because it's Araw ng Kagitingan (a Holiday!) and the birthday of our Courier Friend from General Santos, the movie just made the day more special and a conclusion that my day was well spent with good things, good thoughts and a good friend. 

Plus, we got senti moments at the end of the movie where Brian's and Dom's car went separate ways and Seeing the familiar face of Nathalie Emmanuel (aka Missandei in Game of Thrones )and Nathalie Kelley (aka Neela in Tokyo Drift and the girl in Bruno Mars' Just the Way You Are music video) moved the movie closer to my heart.

You too go watch the film and bring with you your Family.